Monday, September 26, 2016

StrollerPrince 2.0 and friend in Britax B-Ready, then, and now

Gosh, I just found pictures of them in the Britax B-Ready, too! StrollerPrince 2.0 and his pal getting ready for firework!

 His friend was a little uncomfortable in the back seat, but SP 2.0 didn't mind. So they switched.

 He liked having access to his toys back there!

 Back up top, as the fireworks are about to begin.

Same boys today! Look how much SP 2.0's hair has changed!

 And no, I did not have them wear the same things on purpose. I didn't even notice until I posted these!

StrollerPrince 2.0 in City Select, then and now

StrollerPrince 2.0 and his friend riding in the Baby Jogger City Select.

Still friends today.

SP 2.0's hair has changed, but the location is the same.
And no, I didn't plan the shirts!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cologne Baby Show

Today, lets take a look at companies who were in the U.S., but are no longer, but hopefully will return. Good sellers in Europe, but this country can be a tough nut to crack. First up, in collaboration with Justine, let's take a look at Easy Walker. I had several of their models. Loved the colors, huge seat, and glide-ability. This is the 2017 Mosey+. Shown at Kind & Jugend. Comes in steel blue, moss green, and charcoal.

 It has a large basket with an easy entrance,

 A four-position footrest, and the rapidly becoming ubiquitous leatherette bumper and handle bar
 And a lovely carrycot! Now these have always been a hard sell in the U.S. Because most people leave their babies in infant car seats. Which you shouldn't. Don't.
The single to double Harvey:


To reiterate, these are not sold in the US right now, but perhaps you can twist the arm of a European store, or maybe you have a friend abroad, or maybe you can incentivize a trip abroad...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cologne Baby Show

Of course, many of the new strollers rolling out at the Kind & Jugend show in Germany won't be crossing this side of the pond. But these likely will. Check out the new print by Cybex. Makes me really want to go to Hawaii. Or drink a Pina Colada.

CYBEX's photo.CYBEX's photo.

They are very clear who they are marketing to.. "The new social class...that lives by the code of "Dress like JFK, speak like Hemingway, work like Ralph Lauren, party like Gatsby."

CYBEX's photo.CYBEX's photo.

Cybex said "Four key cities are leading the charge to change the status quo. " The HQ's of Uppa Baby is not located in one of those hipster cities. Having known them since Uppa began, I can pretty much assure you that they would be nonplussed by that information. They are sticking to the formula that has brought them tremendous success.

So in Cologne, we saw some subtle tweaking to their fashions--tan leatherette handlebars and bumper bars for the Vista and Cruz, and some subtle color changes.

Red is now burgundy, green is more forest-y, and grey is lighter. I am very excited to see what else they might unveil at the upcoming ABC Kid's Expo, here in the U.S.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Cologne Baby Show

Lots of new strollers unveiled at the Cologne Baby Show, which may or may not make it this side of the pond. In collaboration with Justine of, lets take a look at the new...Baby Jogger!

 The Baby Jogger City Tour had it's official launch at the Kind & Jugen show. It will come in violet, juniper, onyx, cobalt, and garnet. It folds down into a little storage bag, which is included. Like the Nano and Zen, the idea is that you will be able to take it on the plane with you. It's not newborn friendly, though. It's recommended for six months and up. Optional accessories include cupholder, raincover, and belly bar. Retail in the U.S. is $199.

Speaking of cobalt, this is their new, bright blue color.
We'll certainly see more of this next month at the ABC Kid's Expo in Las Vegas.

Also unveiled at the show was the new Baby Jogger City select Lux, which boasts over 20 configurations, and a 30 per cent smaller fold than the prior model.

There is a hard plastic jump seat that attaches over the basket, rear facing, and a platform between the wheels that acts as a footrest. You can forward or rear face the front seat, but the jump seat is parent facing. It is meant for an older child, but does have a harness.

This replaces the second seat, so you still have to use the glider board if you want to carry three children. You will also have to remove a second seat to fold it. Other new additions include a shopping tote, suspension on all four wheels, and a jogging-style brake on the handlebar. Colors will be very subdued; port, taupe, graphite, and slate.

Stay tuned for our next installment of new strollers in Cologne!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Cologne Baby Show!

Everyone in Strollerland knows about the "Big Stroller Roll-Out'! It's based on all the new stroller models that are scheduled to be released in the U.S. for the next calendar year. There is a Euro counterpart in Germany that is just finishing up. We thought it might be fun to see the strollers rolling out there. They may or may not be released in the U.S. We will find out the answers to that next month, when the new models are launched here. Our friend Justine of BestBuggy.Co.UK has graciously allowed us to share her initial impressions, and some indepth reviews. So lets start with...
the Omnio! Yes indeed, it IS a backpack stroller!

They won the "Innovation" award at the show.

Justine says it has a huge seat; big weight capacity; and a super non escape harness!

Stay tuned for lots more, after I take SP 2.0 to the beach!

And the winner of the 2017 Britax B-Ready is...

Diana Trabanco, of Staten Island New York! She graciously entered on behalf of her daughter Marisa, who is thrilled beyond measure. She chose the color "Poppy" for her amazing baby girl. CONGRATS! And thank you, Strollerland, for making this Britax B-Ready contest another stellar StrollerQueen Giveaway!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

StrollerQueen 2017 Britax B-Ready Giveaway!

Want to win a brand, spankin' new Britax B-Ready from StrollerQueen? Enter here!
Mobile friendly link: