(This is who started it all, StrollerPrincess and StrollerPrince!)

Still lost and confused in the Kingdom of Strollerland? No worries, StrollerQueen to the rescue! For the past 13 years, I have helped thousands of people find the best stroller for them. I've owned close to 400 strollers at this point, and counting. I've pushed them, pulled them, ran them through the SQ Obstacle Course, weighed them, measured them, praised them, or cursed them. Just click the $42.50 Paypal button, answer the questions below, and we'll find your perfect ride! I don't receive any fees, compensation, or kickbacks from any stores or companies, so I will honestly tell you the stroller you need, not the stroller someone wants to sell you. That also means I can help you to find the best deal. What you save will more than pay for my fee. So get it right the first time, rather than buying multiple strollers that don't work!
1. What is the age and weight of the child or children who will be riding?
2. Are you looking for a single or double?
3. What strollers do you like, and why?
4. What strollers don't you like, and why?
5. How much outdoor walking will you be doing, vs. indoor walking? (This is pretty important, because strollers are usually best at one or the other, although there are some do-it-alls that are OK.)
6. What kind of terrain will you be walking on? (i.e. smooth sidewalks, dirt roads, etc.)
7.What kind of climate do you like in--i.e. really sunny, hot, snowy, rainy, etc.
8. How much lifting the stroller in and out of the car will you be doing every day?
9. Where do you plan to store the stroller?
10. Any particular colors or styles you like?
11. What is your absolute budget?
12. When do you want to purchase the stroller? This is important, because I don't want to recommend something that won't be out by the time you need it.
13. What features are MOST important to you (of course, it would be nice to have them all, but they just don't come in one package)--i.e. height adjustable handle, big basket, lightweight, big wheels, flat recline, easy fold, narrow, compact fold, huge canopy, etc.
14. Anything else in particular you would like to tell me about your stroller-related needs?
Now just copy and paste over to Strollerqueen@hotmail.com, and we can get started!
Has the search for a new stroller become overwhelming?
Strollerqueen can help!
Too many choices, Too confusing, Too little time?
We are available for a personal consultation, to help personally select THE stroller that is most perfectly suited to your needs.
If these questions seem too much, just answer what you can. I will help you to figure it out.
Once we select the right stroller for you, we can also help you find the best deal!
In most cases your savings will easily pay your personal
consultation fee. And, you will get it right the first time, instead of buying multiple strollers that don't work! You can also just Paypal $42.50 to:
Thanks! SQ