Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Joovy Zoom ATS & 360 Review
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Peg Perego 2009 Si' Review 2009
Easter Si’
Every time Easter rolls around, I look forward to choosing a stroller. Since I am usually travelling to visit family, it has to be a lightweight. One year there was the aqua Maclaren Daytripper. Another year it was the lavender Inglesina Espresso. But this year, instead of going with a pastel, I chose the Easter-eggish “Corallo Stripes” Peg Perego Si’.
Every time Easter rolls around, I look forward to choosing a stroller. Since I am usually travelling to visit family, it has to be a lightweight. One year there was the aqua Maclaren Daytripper. Another year it was the lavender Inglesina Espresso. But this year, instead of going with a pastel, I chose the Easter-eggish “Corallo Stripes” Peg Perego Si’.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
TFK Mama Board & Dreamer Design Review
Mother's Day Mama Board on Park Avenue

Ever since I first saw a picture of a Euro mama "skateboarding" with this, while pushing her baby in a pram, I have wanted one. Heck, why should kids have all the fun? So natch I was thrilled when TFK showed up at the "2009 BIG Stroller Roll-Out", and announced they were coming to America! I was practically swooning over the Mama Board they had on display. Of course, the kind and patient Ms. Katy Halmen of "Trends for Kids" (TFK) thought I was a little crazy. Nothing new, there. But ANY way, TFK has finally made it to this side of the pond, which meant the Mama Board made it to the side of my strollers, haha!

The quality is terrific, like a high-end skateboard.

Ever since I first saw a picture of a Euro mama "skateboarding" with this, while pushing her baby in a pram, I have wanted one. Heck, why should kids have all the fun? So natch I was thrilled when TFK showed up at the "2009 BIG Stroller Roll-Out", and announced they were coming to America! I was practically swooning over the Mama Board they had on display. Of course, the kind and patient Ms. Katy Halmen of "Trends for Kids" (TFK) thought I was a little crazy. Nothing new, there. But ANY way, TFK has finally made it to this side of the pond, which meant the Mama Board made it to the side of my strollers, haha!
I have this attached to the Dreamer Design Park Avenue. The axle must be thinner than the one on the TFK Joggster, because I couldn't get the strap quite tight enough. So it did slide around some, but it is not supposed to. It is very, very easy to attach, though.
The Park Avenue, by the way, is an affordable option for those looking for a reversible stroller. And it is rare to find a reversible 3-wheeler. It's too bad Dreamer went out of business. But you can still find the Park Avenues floating around. The stroller itself weighs 23 pounds. The seat back is 20". It has a front bar, height adjustable handle, and an easy trigger fold.

The Park Avenue has a one hand recline on the canopy, a pocket with small compartments on the back, a net pouch, and a decent sized basket.

But I think, all things considered, that it would be best to attach the Mama Board to a fixed wheel jogger with a hand brake. The Park Avenue has a swivel front wheel. And that, combined with a high center of gravity, made it somewhat of a tipping hazard.Especially since both the StrollerPrince and Princess were fighting over the ride. They did keep the wrist strap on at all times, but that doesn't help the stability.
One really nice thing about the Mama Board is how large it is, and it's high weight limit. As you can see, the StrollerPrince and StrollerPrincess can both fit nicely on it.Even sitting down!
As with any riding board attachment, though, keep in mind that the smaller wheels are not going to be able to handle rough terrain. Nevertheless, what a fun way get some fresh air and exercise, for both you and your little ones.
Trends For Kids Happy Mother's Day to all of Strollerland!
Baby Jogger City Mini Review 3 wheel compared to Quinny Zapp
Baby Jogger Mini Check Mate
was thinking, because of the success of the Valco Latitude on my last
trip to court, I would take it's Doppleganger to court this next time.
And the
success of the new Baby Jogger City Mini has
been nothing short of amazing. People love the Mini's light
weight, huge
canopy, and amazingly easy fold. The wheels are by no means
all-terrain, but they do perform better outdoors than your average
umbrella stroller. I like it's versatility. Because of the deep
recline, you can put a very young baby in it. And since the seat is
quite large, it can hold a pre-schooler. I have tried it out with both
sizes. And you can still push it one-handed with a heavier child.
you can see, the under basket is pretty small. But there is another
large net pocket on the back. To recline it, you just squeeze that clip
that's holding the strap, and slide the seat down.Now a very cool
feature is that when it is in full recline, you can unroll the back
fabric, to reveal "voila"! the large net back vent. Great feature for
air circulation on a hot day. You can see from both the back and the front how deep the recline goes.
is why I am going to court again. I was taking the original
Stroller Prince to his first day of Chess. He was so excited! It was
early in the
morning and the street was deserted. I saw my neighbor walking from the
front of the school. He told me to drive around to the back, because it
would be closer to the class. Big mistake. I drove up to the stop sign.
On one side, there is an apartment building. On the other, the street
was closed due to construction, and there was a big sign that said
"Closed to through traffic." I glanced over at all the pavers and
bull-dozers. And the next thing I know, a motorcycle cop sprang from
behind the apartment building. I was happy I hadn't done anything wrong.
Or had I? He was red lighting me!
pull over, and he asks for my license. "I'm sorry. " I tell him. "I was
rushing to get my daughter to school, and to take my son to his chess
class. I had their backpacks and I was carrying the baby and I had no
hands left for my purse. It has my license and insurance card in it.
I'll just run home and get it." "Step out of the car please", he says
sternly. "The law says every time you go out on the highway, you have to
have your license." "But", I say, "I'm not on the highway. I am just on
a little old neighborhood street. I'm two blocks away from home!" Now
he starts running a background check on me. "Mom, I'm gonna' be late!
I'm gonna' be embarrassed!" SP yells. "Could I please just bring him to
class?" I ask. "You could follow me." "You're not going anywhere, but he
can go", motorcycle cop says. "You mean let him walk four blocks by
himself? Do you think that's safe? " "I don't care" motorcycle cop says.
OK, now I am getting mad. My son is crying, my baby is crying, and I am
being held against my will. "Well, you SHOULD care!" I tell him. You
took an oath to 'protect and serve.' You are neither protecting me, nor
serving me. No wonder there are so many burglaries in my neighborhood.
You are too busy hiding behind buildings and trapping school parents,
because that is easy! Easy and lucrative. We don't shoot you, and we pay
our fines." Now he is getting mad, too. "You know I could arrest you",
he says. "What for, for telling the truth"? I say. "You have an illegal
sticker on your car. Take it off", he says. Now, the sticker he is
pointing to is mandatory for my area. It allows you to park on the
street. I try and explain that. "Nope, never seen it. Take it off", he
says. "You REALLY aren't from around these parts, are you son?" I said.
"AGH"! He waves his hand at me, jumps on his bike and takes off. But not
before issuing me a bunch of tickets, including failure to come to a
complete stop, no proof of license, no insurance, etc. As he leaves, he
drives down the street that says "No vehicles allowed." I drop my son
off at his class, go home and grab my purse, and come back. There he is,
hiding behind the apartment building, waiting to trap another suburban
mom." "Hi there", I said. He jumped. "Here's my license and registration
and proof of insurance", I say, handing it to him. "I don't want that.
It's too late" he says. "You know", I say. "This is all so uneccessary.
There is no through traffic here! If I really didn't stop long enough,
as you say, you could have issued me a warning. You could have shown a
little compassion fo a mom juggling three kids, trying to get them all
fed and dressed and off to school on time. We are all just human, doing
the best we can. I'm sure that you didn't mean to go down that street
that is closed to through vehicles." 'WHAT?!!!" He says. "Are you
accusing ME of breaking the law?" "I didn't say that", I said. "I'm just
saying we all make mistakes." "AHHH", he says, waving his hand at me
again, and driving off. So once again, I have to post another thousand
dollar bail.

Weight: 16.5 pounds
Folded: 24" x 29" x 8"
Width: 24"
Length: 34"
Handle height: 41"
Seat Width: 13.5"
Seat Depth: 9"
Seat to Canopy: 23.5"
Seat back: 21.5"
Drop to Footrest: 9"
Zapp's seat back and seat to canopy is about a half inch taller. Both
have very wide seats, but the Zapp's is an inch bigger at it's widest
part, then tapers down by the hips. It has an inch shorter drop to
of these are on the wide side, at 24". especially for a lightweight.
However, a 3-wheeler must have a wider rear stance than a 4-wheeler,
for stability. OK, neither are technically 3-wheelers, but that is kind
of their design. You can see how the Zapp can fold in smaller, with
it's tripod legs that tuck in underneath the seat. Both have superb
Baby Jogger Mini Stats:
Weight: 16.5 pounds
Folded: 24" x 29" x 8"
Width: 24"
Length: 34"
Handle height: 41"
Seat Width: 13.5"
Seat Depth: 9"
Seat to Canopy: 23.5"
Seat back: 21.5"
Drop to Footrest: 9"
Comparison of Mini to Zapp
both of these strollers are very hot right now in the lightweight
category, I wanted to do a "mini" comparison. The measurements on these
two are remarkably similar, as you can see from the stats. The biggest
difference is in the length. As you can see, the Zapp has a much
shorter wheel base. The handle height is shorter, too. The Zapp is a
pound heavier, and has no recline. Whereas you saw how far back you
could recline the Mini's seat.Quinny Zapp Review
Zapp the Red White and Blue
Election Day! And of course, that requires a stroller that is
patriotic. Not a problem! Take the new, cobalt blue Quinny Zapp. Add in
an American flag, a red parasol, red Skip Hop, white and red Skip Hop
wipes case (Swipe), white onesie on baby, and you're good to vote!
Quinny Zapp Stats:
Weight: 17.5 pounds
Folded: 15" x 27" x 13"
Width: 24"
Length: 22"
Handle height: 39.5"
Seat Width: 14.5" Seat Depth: 8" Seat to Canopy: 24"
Seat back: 22"
Drop to Footrest: 8"
Quinny Buzz Review
Halloween Buzz

Halloween is such a fun time to pick a stroller. Of course, as with all holidays, the colors have to be right. In the past, I have chosen an orange Quinny Zapp, an orange Phil & Ted's E3, a black Micralite Fast Fold, etc. This year I have a little baby, so I wanted a stroller that faced me. I also wanted one that could sail over any bumps or cracks with ease. It's dark, there's a lot going on, and I don't want to have to watch where I am going. So the perfect choice is the new gold and brown Quinny 4-wheel Buzz!

When I tested it on the SQ Obstacle Course, the performance was stellar. The four wheels make it much more A/T than the prior 3-wheel version. More stable, too. I really like it.

It's a good thing, because this year, we had a lot of chasing around to do. Chasing a Star Wars Clone Trooper and Supergirl, that is. When it comes to kids and candy, speed is of the essence. It's kind of funny to see them running from door to door, as fast as they can, trying to hit as many houses as possible before everyone runs out of candy.
And this year, we all did. There were so many ghosts, goblins, princesses, clowns, Hannah Montanas and Barack Obamas out trick or treating this year. They started early, and they continued until late. For hours our sidewalks were packed. I mean shouder to shlouder, rush hour on the subway in NYC packed. The wide base did make it hard to weave through the crowd. Although, as tight as it was, even my Shanghai Tang Mac Quest would have had problems. And it is the width that makes it so stable, so therein lies the trade-off. I do wish it had a bigger basket. Though it wasn't something I needed on this night. You can get the optional "Buzz box" for more storage.

This stroller is extremely comfy. Look at the cozy footmuff, and the thick neoprene seat padding.

A wonderful thing about the 2009 Buzz is that it comes with an additional seat, a "toddler seat". Not quite so plush, so there is more room for a bigger child's shoulders and hips. In addition, it comes with a raincover, and mosquito net. To complete the set, is the fabulous carrycot. SP 2.0 naps in this every day. It has the same soft, terrycloth-type lining as the footmuff. He loves to snuggle in to it. All in all, this is a great choice of a pram that can get you from newborn to toddler; even a pre-schooler.

Anyway, despite our best efforts, the Pumpkin, the Buzz, and I lost our Clone Trooper and Supergirl. Well not lost in a bad sense. The Clone Trooper ran into Commander Cody and Obi-Wan, and wanted to navigate the Halloween galaxy with them. And Supergirl stumbled across several classmates having a silly string war. So she was off to fly with them.
The Pumpkin, the Buzz and I attempted to do a few houses on our own. But that was mostly met with scorn. "He's too young for candy! That is really for you, isn't it! You are going to eat the candy!" Well, duh.
But all was not lost. My friend was playing "Twas' the Nightmare before Christmas" with a movie projector on a big screen. On her front lawn! We slowly strolled our way through the mob, past three haunted houses, down the hill and one block over. And there it was, Jack in the sleigh! The party had begun.

Halloween is such a fun time to pick a stroller. Of course, as with all holidays, the colors have to be right. In the past, I have chosen an orange Quinny Zapp, an orange Phil & Ted's E3, a black Micralite Fast Fold, etc. This year I have a little baby, so I wanted a stroller that faced me. I also wanted one that could sail over any bumps or cracks with ease. It's dark, there's a lot going on, and I don't want to have to watch where I am going. So the perfect choice is the new gold and brown Quinny 4-wheel Buzz!
When I tested it on the SQ Obstacle Course, the performance was stellar. The four wheels make it much more A/T than the prior 3-wheel version. More stable, too. I really like it.
It's a good thing, because this year, we had a lot of chasing around to do. Chasing a Star Wars Clone Trooper and Supergirl, that is. When it comes to kids and candy, speed is of the essence. It's kind of funny to see them running from door to door, as fast as they can, trying to hit as many houses as possible before everyone runs out of candy.
And this year, we all did. There were so many ghosts, goblins, princesses, clowns, Hannah Montanas and Barack Obamas out trick or treating this year. They started early, and they continued until late. For hours our sidewalks were packed. I mean shouder to shlouder, rush hour on the subway in NYC packed. The wide base did make it hard to weave through the crowd. Although, as tight as it was, even my Shanghai Tang Mac Quest would have had problems. And it is the width that makes it so stable, so therein lies the trade-off. I do wish it had a bigger basket. Though it wasn't something I needed on this night. You can get the optional "Buzz box" for more storage.
This stroller is extremely comfy. Look at the cozy footmuff, and the thick neoprene seat padding.
A wonderful thing about the 2009 Buzz is that it comes with an additional seat, a "toddler seat". Not quite so plush, so there is more room for a bigger child's shoulders and hips. In addition, it comes with a raincover, and mosquito net. To complete the set, is the fabulous carrycot. SP 2.0 naps in this every day. It has the same soft, terrycloth-type lining as the footmuff. He loves to snuggle in to it. All in all, this is a great choice of a pram that can get you from newborn to toddler; even a pre-schooler.
Anyway, despite our best efforts, the Pumpkin, the Buzz, and I lost our Clone Trooper and Supergirl. Well not lost in a bad sense. The Clone Trooper ran into Commander Cody and Obi-Wan, and wanted to navigate the Halloween galaxy with them. And Supergirl stumbled across several classmates having a silly string war. So she was off to fly with them.
The Pumpkin, the Buzz and I attempted to do a few houses on our own. But that was mostly met with scorn. "He's too young for candy! That is really for you, isn't it! You are going to eat the candy!" Well, duh.
But all was not lost. My friend was playing "Twas' the Nightmare before Christmas" with a movie projector on a big screen. On her front lawn! We slowly strolled our way through the mob, past three haunted houses, down the hill and one block over. And there it was, Jack in the sleigh! The party had begun.
Quinny 4-wheel Buzz Stats:
Weight: 31 pounds
Width: 25.5"
Length: 29"
Handle height: 39"-43"
Seat Width: 12" (baby seat, toddler seat is wider)
Seat Depth: 9"-17" (footrest extended)Seat to Canopy: 24"
Seat back: 20"
Drop to Footrest: 9"
Mutsy Slider Review
Mutsy in Malibu and the Mansion
Summer was here, and we were invited to a party at a house in Malibu. Hmmm, now, who to take. It must be elegant but hip, cutting edge but classic. It must have nice summer beach colors. It must have a bassinette, (so SP 2.0 could have a nice nap), and it must be able to traverse the sand. Tall order, but...I had the perfect candidate. The Mutsy Slider!
Summer was here, and we were invited to a party at a house in Malibu. Hmmm, now, who to take. It must be elegant but hip, cutting edge but classic. It must have nice summer beach colors. It must have a bassinette, (so SP 2.0 could have a nice nap), and it must be able to traverse the sand. Tall order, but...I had the perfect candidate. The Mutsy Slider!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
TFK Mama Board Review
Mother's Day Mama Board on Park Avenue

Ever since I first saw a picture of a Euro mama "skateboarding" with this, while pushing her baby in a pram, I have wanted one. Heck, why should kids have all the fun? So natch I was thrilled when TFK showed up at the "2009 BIG Stroller Roll-Out", and announced they were coming to America! I was practically swooning over the Mama Board they had on display. Of course, the kind and patient Ms. Katy Halmen of "Trends for Kids" (TFK) thought I was a little crazy. Nothing new, there. But ANY way, TFK has finally made it to this side of the pond, which meant the Mama Board made it to the side of my strollers, haha!
Ever since I first saw a picture of a Euro mama "skateboarding" with this, while pushing her baby in a pram, I have wanted one. Heck, why should kids have all the fun? So natch I was thrilled when TFK showed up at the "2009 BIG Stroller Roll-Out", and announced they were coming to America! I was practically swooning over the Mama Board they had on display. Of course, the kind and patient Ms. Katy Halmen of "Trends for Kids" (TFK) thought I was a little crazy. Nothing new, there. But ANY way, TFK has finally made it to this side of the pond, which meant the Mama Board made it to the side of my strollers, haha!
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