Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go...

We are now entering the busiest travel zone of the year, the time to be thankful, eat lots of turkey, and share good times with family and friends.
And those good times will be even better if your travels are smoother. This is the stroller that promises to make that happen.

It's the Baby Zen YoYo, which, along with soft cheese and champagne makes France all that much more endearing to me.

What is so special about the YoYo is that it folds small enough to fit in the overhead airline cabin bins, whoo hoo!

OK, maybe they fit, too, but they aren't technically allowed. The YoYo, however, comes with it's own travel bag, so it fits right in amongst the briefcases and overnights.

If you haven't travelled with littles before, you might not know how life-saving this can be. See, there are a lot of factors that aren't in your control, like bad weather.

which leads to flight delays

which results in this.

And sometimes that happens on connecting flights. Which means that if you gate-checked your stroller, as most of us do, you are stuck carrying a baby, and luggage, and perhaps a tired toddler

Unless you are lucky enough to find one of these, which will most certainly be in high demand and short supply.

And you will dearly wish you had brought this,

to place up here.

But let's suppose you are driving, so you think you don't need such a compact fold. Um...

If you are like us, luggage space in the car is at a premium. Even with three rows, even if it's just the weekend.

So happy our YoYo is here, waiting to be loaded up!
Now what about the features? Of course you've seen the canopy with visor,
and peekaboo window. A rain cover is included, too.
The YoYo reclines, but there is a new version that is flatter for newborns.
If you want to sling it over your shoulder instead of using the travel bag, there is a carry strap.

And lest you forget to use the harness...
The frame is a high quality aluminum. And here's a little back pocket, your airline tickets, or phone, or sunglasses.
You can see how cool the wheels look, but what you can't see if how
they perform. The suspension makes them so springy, that the YoYo is
really fun to push. And the seatpad is removeable for washing, or to swap out color packs!
Up next...the smack down between the YoYo and another overhead cabin-friendly stroller! Weights and folded sizes will be in this post.
BabyZen YoYo
Seat Back: 17.5"
Seat to canopy: 24"
Seat Width: 14"
Seat Depth: 10.5"
Drop to footrest: 7"
Seat to ground: 17"
Length: 26.5"
Width: 17" front, 13" rear
Height: 42 "
If you need help finding the best stroller for you, click on "Consultations" up top. And to see all of the 2014 stroller models, go to StrollerQueen.Net