March came in like a lamb, and is going out like a lion. Yes, I know that is backwards. But fierce winds were roaring around my yard today, growling and howling and biting my ankles.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Inglesina Quad Review
The Wearin' o' the Green

March came in like a lamb, and is going out like a lion. Yes, I know that is backwards. But fierce winds were roaring around my yard today, growling and howling and biting my ankles.

March came in like a lamb, and is going out like a lion. Yes, I know that is backwards. But fierce winds were roaring around my yard today, growling and howling and biting my ankles.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
"Your son was hit by a car..."
Are some of the worst words you can ever hear.

Seeing your son lying bloodied in the middle of the street is one of the worst things you can ever see.

Feeling the warmth of the strangers who directed traffic, formed a blockade with their cars, and surrounded your child so he wouldn't be run over again, is one of the most touching feelings you can ever feel.

Witnessing the kindness of your neighbors, as they run to make your child comfortable, offer to go to the hospital with you, watch your other children and feed them, bring you your purse and phone and car, is one of the most compassionate moments you can ever witness.

Experiencing the amazing speed of the ambulances, the patience of the paramedics, and the professionalism of the police, is one of the most humbling experiences you can ever have.

Realizing how much worse it could have all been, had your son not been protected by such incredible guardian angels, is one of the most grateful thoughts you can ever have.

"Your son is going to be alright"...are some of the best words you can ever hear.

Seeing your son lying bloodied in the middle of the street is one of the worst things you can ever see.
Feeling the warmth of the strangers who directed traffic, formed a blockade with their cars, and surrounded your child so he wouldn't be run over again, is one of the most touching feelings you can ever feel.
Witnessing the kindness of your neighbors, as they run to make your child comfortable, offer to go to the hospital with you, watch your other children and feed them, bring you your purse and phone and car, is one of the most compassionate moments you can ever witness.
Experiencing the amazing speed of the ambulances, the patience of the paramedics, and the professionalism of the police, is one of the most humbling experiences you can ever have.
Realizing how much worse it could have all been, had your son not been protected by such incredible guardian angels, is one of the most grateful thoughts you can ever have.
"Your son is going to be alright"...are some of the best words you can ever hear.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Happy Birthday to me!
Then there was a big earthquake that rattled the house and knocked stuff off the bookshelves
Including the St. Patrick's Day hats that I was giving to my friends
Which the dogs then ate
And then the smoke alarm went off
And this was all before 7 am
And this is how my birthday began...
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Baby Jogger wins lawsuit over Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion Folds
We posted this on Facebook a while ago, but in case you didn't see it, here it is. We asked Britax and Baby Jogger for clarification, and we are awaiting their responses. We would like to know how this affects consumers--i.e. will they pull all the B-Agiles and Motions from the shelves? Start making them a different way? Continue to make them the same way but start paying BJ a licensing fee for the Quick-Fold technology? Stay tuned.....and P.S. I have reviewed all of the aforementioned models, right here, if you would like to see more pictures and info.
UPDATE: Both Baby Jogger and Britax told me that the current B-Agiles and BOB Motions will not be pulled from the shelves, and they will continue to be manufactured. It is not clear exactly what will be changed on them...whether they will continue to employ the use of the "Quick-Fold" technology and pay BJ a licensing fee, or whether they will change the way the strollers fold. I will continue to update this, as I receive more information.
UPDATE #2: Britax just told me this: “This will not impact our future business in any way and we will continue to manufacture and sell the BRITAX B-Agile and BOB Motion strollers. Business as usual. We are pleased with the outcome.”
Since both parties have agreed not to discuss specific details, we still don't know what changes the models will have to undergo, or when they will be implemented. Also, some of our Strollerland members are wondering if Graco will be next, since some of their models employ a very similar "Quick-Fold."
UPDATE: Both Baby Jogger and Britax told me that the current B-Agiles and BOB Motions will not be pulled from the shelves, and they will continue to be manufactured. It is not clear exactly what will be changed on them...whether they will continue to employ the use of the "Quick-Fold" technology and pay BJ a licensing fee, or whether they will change the way the strollers fold. I will continue to update this, as I receive more information.
UPDATE #2: Britax just told me this: “This will not impact our future business in any way and we will continue to manufacture and sell the BRITAX B-Agile and BOB Motion strollers. Business as usual. We are pleased with the outcome.”
Since both parties have agreed not to discuss specific details, we still don't know what changes the models will have to undergo, or when they will be implemented. Also, some of our Strollerland members are wondering if Graco will be next, since some of their models employ a very similar "Quick-Fold."
Jogger®, creator of innovative strollers such as
the City Mini™ and City Select®, today announced that
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Case No.
2:12cv452-RAJ-LRL, has approved a Consent Judgment and Permanent
Injunction in Baby Jogger’s favor in its lawsuit against Britax Child
Safety, Inc. (“Britax”). The suit involved Baby Jogger’s patented and
proprietary Quick-Fold Technology and asserted claims against Britax for
patent infringement, trade dress infringement, and unfair competition.

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